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Berikut Beberapa Input Type yang ada di HTML 5

Posted by RZDev: Belajar Programming! on Saturday, January 13, 2018

Berikut beberapa input type yang sering digunakan di HTML 5

Berikut syntaxnya, semoga bermanfaat dan lancar buat tugasnya
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 3.1: newForminputtypes.html -->
<!-- Di ketik oleh rezkycpp -->

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Latihan web desain</title>

    <h1> New HTML5 Input types Demo</h1>
    <p>This form demonstrates the new HTML5 input types and the placeholder, required and autofocus attributes

    <form method="post" action="http://www.deitel.com">
        <input type = "color" autofocus />
            (Hexadecimal code such as #ffffff)

        <input type ="date" />

        <input type = "datetime-local"/>
            (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm+ff:gg, such as 2012-01-27T03:15)

        <input type ="email" placeholder ="nama@domain.com" required />

        <input type ="month" /> (yyyy-mm)

        <input type = "number"
               sin ="0"
               max ="7"
        </label> (enter a number between 0 and 7)

            <label>Range: 0
            <input type = "range"
                min = "0"
                max = "20"
                value = "10"/> 20

        <input type = "search" placeholder = "search query"/>
        </label> (enter your search query here.

        <input type = "tel" placeholder = "(###) ###-####" pattern = "\(\d{3}\)+\d{3}-\d{4}" required />
        (###) ###-####

        <input type = "time" /> (hh:mm:ss.ff)

        <input type = "url" placeholder = "http://www.domainname.com" />

        <input type = "week" />
        (yyyy-Wnn, such as 2012-W01)

            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
            <input type="reset" value="Clear" />


Thanks for reading & sharing RZDev: Belajar Programming!

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